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  4. Togo approves constitutional reform changing how president is elected
Togo approves constitutional reform changing how president is elected
Actualités politiques

Lawmakers in Togo have approved changes to the constitution linked to presidential term limits and how presidents are elected, which some opposition politicians and civil society groups have denounced as a constitutional coup. Togo’s parliament had already adopted the amendments in March, but the reforms led to an opposition backlash, so President Gnassingbe called for further consultations and a second parliamentary vote. The amendments introduced a parliamentary system of government and shortened presidential terms to 4 years from 5 with a two-term limit. Other African countries, including the Central African Republic, Rwanda, Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast and Guinea, have pushed through constitutional and legal changes recently allowing presidents to extend their terms in office. The West and Central African region has also witnessed 8 military coups in the past 3 years.

Source : Al Jazeera

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