E-conference theme: Understanding the landscape in a post Covid era: Outlook and prospects in Africa

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What will the post-COVID era look like in Africa? What are the challenges and opportunities?

Lockdown may progressively be lifting in Africa but its impact will live on. Casablanca Finance City is bringing together international experts and C-level representatives from companies operating in Africa, to discuss the outlook and prospects of post-COVID Africa.

Our panel will cover field experiences from different industries and the impacts on their respective businesses:

  • How will the private sector be impacted in Africa?
  • How is the financial services community supporting companies operating on the continent?
  • How can the digitalization boost be leveraged to support economic recovery? What are the risks?
  • What are the social impacts between employers and employees?

E-conference theme: Understanding the landscape in a post Covid era: Outlook and prospects in Africa

Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Time: 12:00 pm Casablanca Time (UTC)

Moderator: Peter Walts, COO, ELA Alliance

We thank you in advance for your participation. Please feel free to extend the invitation to your colleagues.

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