CFC Authority

CFC Authority

Casablanca Finance City Authority (CFCA) is a limited company born from a public-private partnership aiming to position Casablanca as a regional financial hub in Africa. CFCA was established in July 2010 through a high-level roundtable meeting, including the Region of Casablanca-Settat, the Central Bank of Morocco, Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion,the main Moroccan banks, the central securities depository, the insurance industry and the Casablanca Stock Exchange.

The main missions of CFCA are:

  • The implementation and management of Casablanca Finance City’s development strategy
  • Institutional promotion of CFC to international institutions and investors
  • Developing an attractive “CFC value proposition” for international institutions and investors
  • Driving new reforms to improve the business environment
  • Advising and supporting companies with the CFC status.

These missions are subject to a regular monitoring by a steering committee composed of the Minister of Finance and Economics, the Governor of Bank Al Maghrib and delegate representatives of major national financial institutions and authorities.

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